- Concurrency Attacks (HotPar 12) (coming soon)
- TimeWarp: Rethinking Timekeeping and Performance Monitoring Mechanisms to Mitigate Side-Channel Attacks (ISCA 12) (pdf, presentation)
- Side-channel Vulnerability Factor: A Metric for Measuring Information Leakage (ISCA 12) (pdf, software)
- Approximate Graph Clustering for Program Characterization (TACO 12) (pdf)
- A Case for Hybrid Discrete-Continuous Architectures (CAL 11) (pdf)
- The SPARCHS Project: Hardware Support for Software Security (SysSEC 11) (pdf)
- Rapid Identification of Architectural Bottlenecks via Precise Event Counting (ISCA 11) (pdf, presentation)
- Silencing Hardware Backdoors IEEE Security and Privacy 2011 (Oakland 11) (pdf)
- Tamper Evident Microprocessors IEEE Security and Privacy 2010 (Oakland 10) (pdf)
- COMPASS: A Community-driven Parallelization Advisor for Sequential Software IWMSE 09 (pdf)